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Live COSS Training

Join us for this 2-day officer safety training event

Taking place Wednesday 3/20 and Thursday 3/21

8:00 AM-5:00 PM

City of Huntington Beach, California

Register: CLICK HERE

Senate Bill 296 Compliant Training

The Code Enforcement Officer Safety Foundation is proud to offer an international Safety Specialist training program designed specifically for Code, Building, Fire, Animal Control, CSO's, Public Safety, By-Law and Housing professionals. As the international leader on Code Official officer safety and recognized by the International Code Council (ICC) as a Supporting Organization and Preferred Education Provider (#2696), the Foundation is excited to launch this international training program.

The Code Official Safety Specialist (COSS) program is the first and only international training program offered to code professionals which specifically focuses on officer safety of inspectors. The goal of this program is to provide Code Enforcement Officers, Building Inspectors, Fire Inspectors, Animal Control, CSO's, Health Inspectors, and Housing Inspectors a minimum level of training and to provide foundational officer safety skills. The Code Official Safety Specialist training sets the standard on officer safety and survival in the code enforcement profession.

The Code Official Safety Specialist (COSS) program is a progressive 5-course series on officer safety & survival principles, concepts, and practices. This comprehensive training program provides foundational officer survival skills that allow you to be safer in the performance of your job. This training strongly encourages avoidance and de-escalation. The reality is that not all acts of violence can be avoided or de-escalated and being instructed to “just walk away” is not a safety strategy.

This 15 hour, 2-day, course covers the following class subjects:

  • Tactical Mindset

  • Fear Management

  • Verbal De-escalation

  • Three Phases of a Contact

  • Surviving a Violent Encounter

Earn CEU's from ICC, NACA, CalAnimals, and CACEO.

Course is over 2-days, Wednesday and Thursday 8am-5pm with lunch and breaks.

Location: Join us at the beautiful City of Huntington Beach!

Department Directors, Deputy Chief's, Fire Captins, Building Officials, Risk Managers, Inspectors, Code Enforcement, CSO's, ACO's, Public Works Managers, and others have claimed:

"Excellent course and instruction. I felt the instructor truly knew what he was talking about with real life examples. I would highly recommend this class to my colleagues." - Risk Manager

"As someone who has worked in Code Enforcement for over 30 years, I want to share with you that I thought this was the most comprehensive, practical, clear and valuable training that I have participated in." - Prior Community Development Director & Code Enforcement Manager

"Shared a lifetime worth of knowledge, and stayed humble about it. Very impressive." - Animal Control Officer

"I spent 35+ years in law enforcement and this training is incredibly comprehensive and presented in a very professional manner. Excellent training! My compliments and appreciation for your work." - Director

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